Clean The Opening To Each Duct That Is Connected To Your Home’s Central Air Conditioning System

If dust is blowing out from the vents in your home's flooring each time that you turn on your central air conditioning system, the quality of the air inside your home may be diminished and it may take longer for your home's interior to cool down. Clean the opening to each duct by completing the following steps. Afterwards, the air system may work more efficiently. Materials screwdriver bucket of warm soapy water handheld scrub brush water hose towel disposable gloves vacuum cleaner with hose attachment flashlight industrial strength cleaner lint-free cloths Clean The Vent Covers Read More 

Furnace Flame Burning , But The Heat Isn’t Turning

Are you in the odd predicament of having a furnace that has a pilot light that is clearly lit, but your heat will not activate when you initiate the thermostat? If so, you are likely concerned about whether or not a safety hazard is preventing you from operating your firnace or if another potion of the heating system is malfunctioned. Perhaps you furnace is showing signs that it is trying to come on, but it simply makes the sound and does not fully turn on. Read More 

Can A Heat Pump Water Heater Save You Money?

If you're like many families, having a ready supply of hot water -- enough to allow multiple consecutive showers or the ability to shower and do a load of laundry or dishes simultaneously -- helps keep the household humming along smoothly. However, the cost of keeping 50, 80, or more gallons of water heated to a consistently high temperature can cause your energy bills to skyrocket over time. Are there any energy-efficient ways to heat water in your home without compromising its temperature or supply? Read More 

Cold Weather Is On Its Way: 2 Ways To Prevent Heater Break-Downs

Winter is just around the corner and with it comes the cold weather. Before it gets too cold, you want to make sure your heater is working properly. If your heater has not been properly maintained, it could break down during the cold weather. Unfortunately, furnace repair technicians tend to get booked quickly during the winter. If that happens, you might have to wait a while before you can get your heater repaired. Read More 

It’s Time to Change Your Air Conditioner’s Filter

As all the hot weather wraps up for the year, and you switch from using your air conditioning system to using your heating system, now is the perfect time to change out the filter on your air conditioner. That way, when the first hot day sneaks around next year, you won't have to worry about changing your filter because you already took care of it! Changing out your filter at the end of the hot weather season is one of the best and easiest ways to take care of your air conditioning unit. Read More